Hasai monster legends
Hasai monster legends

Gemstone Barrier - Gives a 100% shield, an extra turn, damage boost, double damage and triple damage to one ally User gains taunt, a 100% shield, double life, 100% damage mirror, reflect mirror and precision (100%) Hexagonal Light - Deals insane light damage, may daze enemy. Removes all negative status effects from all allies.Ĭrystal Bash - Deals insane legendary damage to all enemies, may give total blind to all enemies (95%) Gemstone Remedy - Gives a 30% shield, double damage and an extra turn to all allies.

hasai monster legends

Removes all negative status effects from all allies and gives them 100% stamina. Trigonal Light - Deals very heavy light damage to all enemies, removes all positive status effects from all enemies and drains 100% of stamina from all enemies. Gemstone Shield - Gives a 50% shield, Damage boost, 50% stamina and an extra turn to one allyĬrystal Strike - Deals very heavy legendary damage to all enemies, may stun all enemies (70%) Tetrahedra Light - Deals moderate light damage, may mega stun target (50%) Refracting Stones (Ultimate) - Deals insane light damage to all enemies, may mega stun all enemies, may give total blind to all enemies (80%)Ĭrystal Hit - Deals moderate legendary damage, may give total blind to target (50%) Silicon Light - Deals low light damage (35%) Pure Bulwark - Status effects have 50% less accuracy, Immune to trait disable.Ĭrystal Rod - Deals low physical damage (30%) By learning similar powers to Samael, Hasai believes he can resurrect the dead as well as Samael’s brother and end General Nishant’s reign for good. After hearing the news about Samael and his brothers death, Hasai wanted to set things right again.

Hasai monster legends